Dates Event School(s)
8/30/2022 First Day of School (Pre K-12) All Schools
9/2/2022 Non-Student Day All Schools
9/5/2022 Labor Day All Schools
10/10/2022 Columbus Day All Schools
10/31/2022 Halloween All Schools
11/4/2022 Elementary School Grading Day
Woodsboro Elementary
Van Buren Elementary
Travis Ranch
Topaz Elementary
Sierra Vista Elementary
Ruby Drive Elementary
Rose Drive Elementary
Rio Vista Elementary
Morse Avenue Elementary
Melrose Elementary
Mabel M. Paine Elementary
Linda Vista Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
John O. Tynes Elementary
Golden Elementary
Glenview Elementary
Glenknoll Elementary
George Key
Fairmont Elementary
Charles Wagner Elementary
Bryant Ranch Elementary
Brookhaven Elementary
11/4/2022 End of First Quarter All Schools
11/4/2022 End of First Trimester All Schools
11/4/2022 Middle School Grading Day
Yorba Linda Middle
Kraemer Middle
Col. J. K. Tuffree Middle
Bernardo Yorba Middle
11/6/2022 Daylight Saving Time Ends All Schools
11/11/2022 Parent Conference (Elementary Students Only)
Woodsboro Elementary
Van Buren Elementary
Travis Ranch
Topaz Elementary
Sierra Vista Elementary
Ruby Drive Elementary
Rose Drive Elementary
Rio Vista Elementary
Morse Avenue Elementary
Melrose Elementary
Mabel M. Paine Elementary
Linda Vista Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
John O. Tynes Elementary
Golden Elementary
Glenview Elementary
Glenknoll Elementary
George Key
Fairmont Elementary
Charles Wagner Elementary
Bryant Ranch Elementary
Brookhaven Elementary
11/11/2022 Veteran's Day All Schools
11/16/2022 - 11/17/2022 Parent Conference (Elementary Only)
Woodsboro Elementary
Van Buren Elementary
Travis Ranch
Topaz Elementary
Sierra Vista Elementary
Ruby Drive Elementary
Rose Drive Elementary
Rio Vista Elementary
Morse Avenue Elementary
Melrose Elementary
Mabel M. Paine Elementary
Linda Vista Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
John O. Tynes Elementary
Golden Elementary
Glenview Elementary
Glenknoll Elementary
George Key
Fairmont Elementary
Charles Wagner Elementary
Bryant Ranch Elementary
Brookhaven Elementary
11/21/2022 - 11/25/2022 Thanksgiving Recess All Schools
11/24/2022 Thanksgiving All Schools
12/25/2022 Christmas Day All Schools
12/26/2022 - 1/6/2023 Winter Recess All Schools
1/1/2023 New Year's Day All Schools
1/16/2023 Martin Luther King Day All Schools
1/25/2023 - 1/26/2023 Semester Finals (High School Only)
Valencia High
La Entrada High
El Dorado High
El Camino Real Continuation High
1/27/2023 End of Second Quarter (1st Semester) All Schools
1/27/2023 Middle/High School End of Semester Grading Day (Secondary Students Only)
Yorba Linda Middle
Valencia High
Travis Ranch
La Entrada High
Kraemer Middle
Esperanza High
El Dorado High
El Camino Real Continuation High
Col. J. K. Tuffree Middle
Bernardo Yorba Middle
2/13/2023 Lincoln’s Birthday All Schools
2/14/2023 Valentine's Day All Schools
2/20/2023 President's Day All Schools
3/3/2023 Elementary Grading Day
Woodsboro Elementary
Van Buren Elementary
Travis Ranch
Topaz Elementary
Sierra Vista Elementary
Ruby Drive Elementary
Rose Drive Elementary
Rio Vista Elementary
Morse Avenue Elementary
Melrose Elementary
Mabel M. Paine Elementary
Linda Vista Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
John O. Tynes Elementary
Golden Elementary
Glenview Elementary
Glenknoll Elementary
George Key
Fairmont Elementary
Charles Wagner Elementary
Bryant Ranch Elementary
Brookhaven Elementary
3/3/2023 End of Second Trimester All Schools
3/12/2023 Daylight Saving Time Begins All Schools
3/17/2023 St. Patrick's Day All Schools
4/3/2023 - 4/7/2023 Spring Recess All Schools
4/9/2023 Easter All Schools
4/14/2023 End of Third Quarter All Schools
4/14/2023 Middle School Grading Day
Yorba Linda Middle
Kraemer Middle
Col. J. K. Tuffree Middle
Bernardo Yorba Middle
5/5/2023 Cinco De Mayo All Schools
5/29/2023 Memorial Day All Schools
6/9/2023 Elementary Grading Day All Schools
6/14/2023 Last Day of School (Preschool only)
Woodsboro Elementary
Van Buren Elementary
Travis Ranch
Topaz Elementary
Sierra Vista Elementary
Ruby Drive Elementary
Rose Drive Elementary
Rio Vista Elementary
Morse Avenue Elementary
Melrose Elementary
Mabel M. Paine Elementary
Linda Vista Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
John O. Tynes Elementary
Golden Elementary
Glenview Elementary
Glenknoll Elementary
George Key
Fairmont Elementary
Charles Wagner Elementary
Bryant Ranch Elementary
Brookhaven Elementary
6/14/2023 - 6/15/2023 Semester Finals (Secondary Only)
Valencia High
Travis Ranch
La Entrada High
George Key
Esperanza High
El Camino Real Continuation High
6/15/2023 End of Fourth Quarter/Third Trimester (2nd Semester) All Schools
6/15/2023 Last Day of School All Schools
6/15/2023 Last Day of School (Preppy K-12 Minimum Day) All Schools
7/4/2023 Independence Day All Schools